Geoff Johns Steps Down as Chief Creative Officer for DCEU

On Monday, it was announced that Geoff Johns, well known for crafting some of DC’s most iconic tent pole comic events like Infinite Crisis and Blackest Night, has decided to step down from his position as Chief Creative Officer for DC Entertainment. The decision, according to Johns, was made largely in part by a personal yearning to become more intimate with the creation and care of DC’s pantheon of heroes.

“I took on a role at DCE because I love the characters and this universe more than anything. But, I want to spend my days writing and on set. I’m thrilled to get back to a more hands-on creative role.” – Geoff Johns

While they’ve had major success of late with their comics, television series, and even their animated theatrical outings, Warner Bros. has been scrambling to pick up the pieces of the mistakes they’ve made with the DCEU. It would appear that one of the first steps to that process may be reallocating Johns, and it makes sense. Star players don’t always make good coaches. Sometimes, you just have to let your golden boy go out there and play.

Immediately after being released from his position, Johns turned around and entered into an exclusive deal with Warner Bros. and DC Entertainment. Mad Ghost Productions, Geoff Johns’ fledgling production company, will be creating new content for the studio including film, television, and comics; and one of their first projects is the big screen adaptation of Green Lantern Corps.

It’s a perfect match, considering Geoff’s New York Times bestselling run on the Green Lantern comics. According to the press release, Johns will be in his wheelhouse writing and producing the big budget sci-fi flick. It looks like his company has hit the ground running, considering they’ve already announced the inclusion of both Hal Jordan and John Stewart in the film. He will also be lending his talents to projects he was already overseeing, including Aquaman, Shazam!, and Wonder Woman 2.

Green Lantern Corps is set for a July 24, 2020 release.

So, will Geoff Johns being let off the managerial leash be enough to clean up the mess that the DCEU has already made? Or is it too little too late? Comment below and tell us what you think!

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