Justice League #25 Review

Written by Jorge Jimenez, Scott Snyder, and James Tynion IV
Pencils and Inks by Javier Fernandez and Jorge Jimenez
Colored by Hi-Fi and Alejandro Sanchez

For being the prelude of DC Comic’s “Year of the Villain” event, this issue actually offered us a lot of hope and inspiration. In this final chapter of the Sixth Dimension story arc we start out by seeing a very personal and emotional tale Between Clark Kent and his Pa and how that relationship with his father has helped shape Clark into the father he is for Jonathan. We see this unfold in the form of thoughts going on through Superman’s mind as he tries his hardest to escape his prison and reach his friends despite his body giving out on him due how long his body has gone without the sun to charge him up.

The artwork in these scenes as well as throughout the rest of the book are perfectly drawn by Jorge Jimenez who hit a grand slam with with his work in this issue. My personal favorites includes the moments of young Clark and his day as well as the moment when Superman realizes why he thought of these moments to begin with: to find his hope. Boy let me tell you I hope to see more of Jimenez’s art and more incredible stories like this.

The second half of this issue focused more on the negatives and the Doom that may await everyone in the DC Comics Multiverse as we see the results of Lex’s plan as they have already began to unfold in our hero’s absence. As we see Lex make his case to side with Doom to the entire world we also see him as a character truly grow as he reflects on his past endeavors but also transcends past them as he becomes something greater, a villain that is truly worth leading us into this year of Doom.

I loved every single panel of this issue from an artistic aesthetic level because Jorge Jimenez really made even the smallest moments seem even bigger and carry with them a lot of impactful weight. The writing throughout this issue was Scott Snyder at the top of his game as he continues his grand cosmic story that sends ripples all throughout many of DC’s other titles.

Ultimately I’d have to say this is easily one of the best single issues that have been released all year and it’s easily already one of my personal favorite Superman stories as Clark really took the spotlight here and his never losing hope spirit made me really believe in the boy in blue and red and gave me hope as well. I would go out of my way to make sure people check out this issue and pick up this entire arc because it’s an instant classic.

I give Justice League #25 a 10 out of 10